Monday, October 24, 2016


Book Presentations during Celebration for Filipino American History Month
Oct. 29, 2016, 2-4 pm
2025 Curtis Drive
Penngrove, CA

What a fabulous event--thanks to curator Sheila Bare , JJ Wilson and The Sitting Room community library. It was fabulous to read and present along with Justine Villanueva . The context--including an Ethel Adnan exhibit and, always, Virginia--was warm and interested. The cooks were superb. 'Twas joyful to say hello to my section in the library. And it didn't hurt that not only did all my books sell out but I brought home some mail orders! Here are some pics (click on images to enlarge):



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Saturday, October 22, 2016


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Napa Bookmine First Annual Local Authors Fest in Celebration of California Writer's Week
Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016, Noon-2 p.m.
964 Pearl Street
Napa, CA 94559

Here are some photos from the event!

(AMNESIA is a Napa Bookmine Staff Pick!)

(the lovely, hard-working staff)

While manning a table, there'll be the occasional lull when no one is in front of you and you start casting your eyes about. In my case, I cast my eyes downward and saw the back covers of my books, including older books. And I ended up reading back cover blurbs that I'd not read in years -- as when Kevin Killian blurbed Menage a Trois With the 21st Century and when Tan Lin blurbed Black Lightning. And read them and thought, Hey, those old books aren't bad, are they?! :)Thanks to the blurbers!